In September 2018 I worked with Splice Boys on an Absolut Vodka event creating a unique “photo booth” experience. Using a 12-camera rig and freezing time or catching a fraction of a second, we created individual gifs or stickers for WeChat that guests could walk away with. They jumped, threw money, danced and drank lots of vodka.
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Shanghai TVC Splice Boys
In August I assisted the Splice Boys on a TVC shoot using an 18-camera array for bullet time capture. Shooting for Mercedez-Benz, they were to capture sand particles, bouncing paint and an exploding rose. In order to explode the rose with minimal external forces, they used a crossbow firing a ball bearing. Intense!
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Late July brought the Splice Boys back doing an event for Sugarmat. Most of the clients were yoga enthusiasts and we provided WeChat stickers/gifs for the guests to walk away with. Lots of yoga poses and jumping!
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